Multiprogramming is the name given:

Multiprogramming is the name given:

Multiprogramming is the name given to the interleaved execution of two or more different and independent programs by the some computer. in Figure 14.3 we have been introdu8ced to the notion of having two programs in the main memory at the same time- the operating system for overall system control and the user program for performing user’s job. in multiprogramming, this concept is carried one step further by placing two or more user programs in the main memory and executing them concurrently. With multiple user programs simultaneously residing in the main memory, when a user program that was executing {using the CPU} starts performing I/O operations, the CPU is allocated to another user program in the main memory that is ready to use the CPU, instead of allowing the CPU switches from one program to another almost instantaneously. Hence, in multiprogramming. several user programs share the time of the CPU to keep it busy.